Who is MAISY

My photo
Essex, United Kingdom
22 years old, Likes a good bargain, Loves red wine & beautiful homes. Dont let the fact i am from Essex put you off...

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Went into Boots today in search of two friends birthday presents (one reason for me to hate summer is that everyone i know has a birthday every week! ) and had a look at the jewellary stand sale which i had never paid much attention to before. An assistant came over and informed me that the sale items were reduced even more then the stickers displayed. So i got the above for my friends and i had a £5 voucher for No. 7. Then for myself i bought :

And the whole total at the till came to £10.50 ! And as i am a very tight person i couldn't wait to get home and add up how much the items would have come to if they had of not been reduced, and it was £43 ! I am a very happy person as it means i can afford a bottle of red wine to take to my friends boyfriends BBQ later on tonight. Expect very happy pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, you saved alot! The ring is so pretty! I love the colour of the nail varnish!

    Lucy xx
