Who is MAISY

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Essex, United Kingdom
22 years old, Likes a good bargain, Loves red wine & beautiful homes. Dont let the fact i am from Essex put you off...

Sunday, 30 October 2011


Had an ace weekend/week ! Went to go and see the Horrors perform in my home town and went to visit my friend who is currently at uni in London. Four of us traveled up together and each one of us swore that we would be on time as we have a bit of a reputation of being rather tardy. It ended up taking us 4 and a half hours to meet her, we kept hush that we stopped of at London Bridge to hunt down a Mc'Doanlds!  Had a great time, we were meant to be heading into Camden but as we were so late we had to try and find a club that was open until late so ended up in Pacha.  It was £20 to get in (i think this is disgusting and would never pay that amount again) and therefore i expected it to be amazing inside, but it was just a standard club, the only bonus was that it was open until 6!

 On a separate note i have actually been buying new things lately and need the time to take pictures and talk about them.  Sadly one of these new items were a pair of ankle boots from New Look which i have had for only a week.  I brought them in a bit of rush, got home and put them on then rushed to a friends house as was  going out that night. The next morning i realised that they were both a right foot and i hadn't even realised! New Look wouldn't take them back as i had worn them but they were not uncomfortable ( note the were ) so i wore them all last week.  Took them out last night and put them in my HUGE bag ( i may be the only person who takes a mary poppin bag to clubs ) to take to the club, woke up this morning and ones missing! Gutted, my poor odd boots.

Happy Halloween 

                                                                         MAISY X

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